
Best Interview Questions for SQL Developers | DevelopersLATAM


As data becomes a prominent tool and helps worldwide organizations unlock new insights about their business, understanding and leveraging this valuable resource has become essential to long-term success. Now, at the center of this data dominance is SQL, a programming language that has become an indispensable tool in the world’s technological toolkit. SQL and the developers proficient in this technology have had a tremendous impact on business efficiency and decision-making. Studies by Redgate and Gartner have highlighted how optimized databases contribute to a 30% increase in operational efficiency and up to 20% savings on database management expenses, respectively.

This article dives into this programming language and the best interview questions for SQL developers, exploring the core responsibilities, and the impact on business operations, caused by professionals in this field. Whether you’re looking to add new SQL developers to your team or just getting started with this tech stack, we’ve got you covered. 

What Is SQL Development?

SQL, or Structured Query Language, is a standardized programming language designed for managing and manipulating relational databases. It is the foundation upon which the storage, retrieval, and manipulation of data in database management systems are built. The significance of SQL in the digital world is immense, as evidenced by a multitude of hard data and statistics that underscore its ubiquity, utility, and indispensability in managing data across various sectors. At its core, SQL development involves creating, maintaining, and optimizing databases using SQL, a specialized programming language designed for managing and manipulating relational databases.

This tech stack has become a staple for database management across various industries. According to the Stack Overflow Developer Survey 2021, SQL ranks among the top programming languages used by professional developers, with over 50% of respondents reporting its use in their projects. This is in great part thanks to the way the best practices of efficient database management through SQL can lead to substantial cost savings. A survey by Gartner found that businesses could reduce their data storage costs by up to 35% through effective data organization and cleanup using SQL. The language's ability to retrieve and analyze data supports business intelligence efforts. According to Forbes, companies that use data analytics are 5 times more likely to make faster decisions, with SQL being a key tool in data analysis processes.

The reality is that SQL Development will contribute to more than just efficiently managing databases - this foundational element will support the entire spectrum of data-driven decision-making, operational efficiency, and strategic planning within your organization. The compelling data and statistics highlight SQL's irreplaceable role in enhancing business performance, securing data, and driving growth, making SQL skills highly valued in technology and business sectors. This brings us to…

What Is The Role Of SQL Developers?

LinkedIn's Emerging Jobs Report ranks SQL as a top skill required for data science and business analysis roles, with thousands of job listings specifying SQL proficiency as a prerequisite, thanks to the high demand for SQL skills in the workforce. In fact, The U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics projects a 10% growth from 2019 to 2029 in employment for database administrators and architects, a category that heavily relies on SQL skills. This growth rate is faster than the average for most tech roles and shows why you should also consider hiring for this tech stack. The rise in demand for SQL developers started around 2026, as you can see in the image below.

Now, why have these IT professionals become so sought after? SQL Developers play a crucial role in the digital ecosystem, bridging the gap between complex databases and business needs through Structured Query Language. Their responsibilities extend far beyond simple data entry or manipulation, as they are architects of robust data management solutions, ensuring data integrity, security, and accessibility. The significance of SQL Developers is backed by significant data and statistics that highlight their impact on business operations, efficiency, and decision-making processes. Let's go into the specifics of what SQL Developers do and the value they bring to organizations:

  • Database Design and Maintenance: SQL Developers are responsible for designing database schemas that efficiently store data and are scalable. A survey by Redgate in 2021 found that well-designed databases contribute to a 30% increase in operational efficiency for businesses.
  • Data Analysis and Reporting: They extract, analyze, and report data to inform business decisions. According to a report by Forbes, companies that effectively utilize data analytics can see a 15-20% increase in revenue, showcasing the critical role of SQL Developers in leveraging data for strategic advantages.
  • Operational Efficiency: SQL Developers optimize database queries, reducing data retrieval times by up to 50%, and significantly enhancing application performance and user satisfaction, as reported by Database Trends and Applications.
  • Cost Reduction: Through efficient database management and automation of routine tasks, SQL Developers help organizations reduce operational costs. A study by Gartner estimated that businesses could save up to 20% on database management expenses through optimizations implemented by skilled SQL Developers.
  • Informed Decision-Making: By providing accurate and timely data, SQL Developers enable leaders to make informed decisions. A survey by NewVantage Partners revealed that 85% of businesses are trying to be data-driven, highlighting the importance of SQL expertise in achieving this goal.
  • Enhanced Data Security: SQL Developers implement security measures in databases, significantly reducing vulnerabilities. According to Verizon's 2020 Data Breach Investigations Report, proper data handling and security measures can decrease the risk of breaches by over 40%.
  • Support for Emerging Technologies: SQL Developers are integral in integrating databases with emerging technologies like AI and machine learning, enhancing the capabilities of these systems. IDC forecasts that by 2023, 75% of enterprises will embed intelligent automation into technology and process development, using SQL among other technologies

25 Best Interview Questions for SQL Developers

Interviewing SQL developers requires a mix of questions that assess technical skills, problem-solving abilities, and experience with real-world scenarios. These should range from basic to advanced and include scenario-based queries that provide insight into the candidate's technical expertise, problem-solving skills, and ability to adapt to new challenges. Here's a list of the 25 best interview questions for SQL developers - though be sure to tailor them to fit the specific requirements of your organization and the role you're hiring for to effectively evaluate each candidate's capabilities.

  1. What is SQL and what are some of its key features?
  2. Explain the difference between SQL and NoSQL databases.
  3. What do you understand by the terms 'table' and 'field' in SQL?
  4. How do you perform a basic SELECT query to retrieve data from a table?
  5. Can you explain the difference between the WHERE and HAVING clauses?
  6. What are joins in SQL, and can you describe the different types?
  7. How would you find the second-highest salary from an Employee table?
  8. Explain the use and advantage of indexes in a database.
  9. What is a primary key, and how is it different from a unique key?
  10. Describe what a foreign key is and its importance in SQL.
  11. How do you optimize an SQL query?
  12. Explain what a transaction is and how you would manage one in SQL.
  13. What are triggers in SQL, and how are they used?
  14. Please describe what stored procedures are and provide an example of when you might use one.
  15. Explain the concept of normalization and its benefits.
  16. How do you handle duplicate records in a database without deleting them?
  17. What is a deadlock in SQL, and how can you avoid it?
  18. Describe the differences between UNION, MINUS, and INTERSECT in SQL.
  19. How would you explain the concept of ACID properties in databases?
  20. What is a view in SQL, and how does it differ from a table?
  21. Given a specific scenario (e.g., optimizing query performance for a large dataset), what steps would you take to address it?
  22. How would you design a database schema for a given set of requirements?
  23. Can you walk us through your process for troubleshooting a slow-running query?
  24. Describe a challenging SQL problem you solved and the approach you took.
  25. How do you stay updated with the latest trends and advancements in SQL and database technologies?

Hire SQL Developers With DevelopersLATAM

In a world where timely and informed decisions can make or break a company, the role of SQL Developers in extracting, analyzing, and reporting data has become more and more vital. At DevelopersLATAM, we believe in the power of this particular tech stack and want to help you find developers who are experts in this field. We offer nearshore software development services to help you hire SQL developers in Latin America. We handle every step of the process, from vetting potential candidates and using the best interview questions for SQL developers to hiring and onboarding your new team into your organization. If you’re interested in hiring nearshore developers, contact us to learn more about our services!